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Creative Retaining Walls

Recently, we've developed a variety of retaining walls, several of which could make for interesting blog entries. Nevertheless, RTGA is now beginning the construction consultation stage for two unique retaining wall systems in Reno, Nevada, for Madole Construction...

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Ants from Space

While preparing for a soil exploration in the Spanish Springs Valley (north of Sparks in Washoe County), I noticed an unusual pattern in the Google Earth imagery.


As seen in the image below, roughly every 50 feet there is a clearing between the sage brush.

At many of these clearings, it appears a small lighter-colored dot may be located at the center of it...

Upstream and Downstream on the Truckee River

MDA recently completed a soil nail wall design for the Tahoe Pyramid Bikeway for a difficult section of trail above the Truckee River about 20 miles west of Reno at an area known as Iceland...

Highway-Tahoe Pyramid Bikeway
Meadowood Mall Pile Driving 2016

In the beginning of March, we observed pile driving for seismic foundations for a new Dick’s Store at Meadowood Mall. This was a project that Jonathan had brought along from his previous employer – to finish the foundation recommendations and consult on the pile driving operations...

Meadowood-Pile Driving
Ward Creek Stream Bank Restoraton in 2015-2016

The picture to the right is of a completed portion of a stream bank restoration project which Marvin Davis & Associates has been involved in, on and off, for several years. The project is on Ward Creek, which discharges into Lake Tahoe. MDA developed the project ...

Difficult Site Access 2014

RTGA has made a specialty of working on hard-to-access Lake Tahoe project sites. Many sites are inaccessible to site exploration in winter, both due to snow cover and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency restrictions on grading between October 15 and May 1 of each year...

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