Specialized Design
Reno Tahoe Geo Associates, Inc. (RTGeo) - has completed numerous specialized civil engineering projects, most of which have a strong soil- or geotechnical-related scope or are related to difficult site development. These include Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Soils/Hydrologic Investigations; radon studies; erosion control measure (“BMP”) design for residential and commercial sites; grading, drainage and subsurface drainage designs for residential and small commercial sites; on-site disposal systems; pipeline design; water storage ponds; shoreline protection and breakwater projects; stream channel repair and reinforcement; design plans for rockery, Redi-Rock, Keystone, and soil nail retaining walls; and slope repairs.
We have extensive experience monitoring erosion control measure implementation; wetland restoration projects; construction site reclamation and revegetation; construction management; and environmental inspections.
Construction Management
Retaining Wall Design
Grading and Drainage Design
Construction Site Reclamation and Revegetation
Environmental Inspections
Dam/Levee, Storage Tank, Channel, and Pipeline Analysis and Design
Septic System Design
Foundation Design Recommendations
Site Development and Subdivisions
Groundwater Hydrology
Geotechnical Investigations
Flood Control and FEMA Mapping
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis
Storm Drainage Planning
Erosion Control and Water Quality BMPs
Water Systems, Wells, and Storage Tanks
Water Rights
Wastewater Treatment Plants and Systems